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Secure cash register – how 2Checkout protects your carts

In today’s rapidly developing digital economy, a safe cash register in online shopping has become the highest priority for business and customers. Ensuring online transactions is necessary not only for the protection of sensitive customer data, but also to maintain the confidence and protection of enterprises from risk and risk of cyber threats in the floor.

As online shopping continues to grow, so give the potential for cyber attacks. Safety violations may have far -reaching consequences, from financial loss and damage to reputation to reduced consumer confidence. In order to alleviate these risks, the organization must prefer a secure cash register and the total security measures at the point of sale.

This article examines the basics of security of the online cash register, the challenge that businesses face to protect their online transactions, and how they are solved by 2Checkout (now Verifone). The use of advanced tools and procedures is ensured by 2checkout for traders and their customers to benefit from a smooth and safe shopping experience.

Understanding of the cash register security

What is the security of the cash register?

The cash register security refers to measures and protocols that protect sensitive information during online transactions. It includes credit card data protection, personal data and other information related to transactions from harmful actors. It is therefore an encryption of payment data, ensuring information about customers and ensting transactions are processed in a secure environment.


Common threats of securing the cash register:

Check what threats we are talking about when it comes to security of the online cash register. Here are the most common:

  • Phishing Attacks Stay a significant threat to online transactions. The fraudsters use all e -mail, text messages, a gold fraud site to make customers reveal sensitive information such as credit card numbers or login credits. For businesses, such attacks can disrupt trust and lead to financial losses.
  • Malware infection It can infiltrate the system through seemingly harmless downloads, e -mail attachments or compromised websites. Once inside, malware can steal payment information, disrupt operations, or even provide unauthorized access to backend systems. For Emmerce platforms, these infections can lead to downtime, loss of customer credibility and heavy correction costs.
  • Data violation They occur when hackers get unauthorized access to sensitive data stored businesses. Uncertain storage or outdated system or ordinary culprits. It violates not only customer payment data, but also exposes businesses the risk of legal liabilities, regulatory fines and reputation damage.
  • Card with cards It is one of the most direct threats of security of the cash register. Scammers often use stolen card data for unauthorized purchases. These details are often tested by small transactions that verify the validity before making larger fraudulent purchases, impact on traders through disputes and accounting costs. Secured cash register is the first defense line against this type of fraud.
  • Load They occur when customers question the transaction with their bank, leading to reverse payments. Although they are intended to protect consumers, excessive feedback may lead to fines for traders or even loss of the ability to accept certain methods of payments. Furthermore, it complicates matters, charge fraud – customers are falsely questioning legitimate purchases – they can use this system.
  • DDOS attacks There are cyber attacks that flood your website or servers with tremendous operation from multiple sources, which makes legitimate customers impossible to access your site. This can seriously disrupt your business operations and harm your reputation.

These challenges emphasize the need for robust and safe solutions to process payments in combination with fraud prevention and alleviating to reduce risk and maintenance.

At the same time, as a merchant, you play a key role in mitigating security threats. One effective strategy is to determine clear expectations of customer communication. Let your customers know how and when you contact them and clarify the types of requirements you (never) give. These approaches are particularly important for subscription -based businesses where regular communication on transactions is necessary. By providing transparency, you can help customers recognize legitimate interactions and avoid the fall of fraud victims.


How 2Checkout (now Verifone) processes a trolley

2Checkout of top technologies, strict standards of compliance and proactive access to protection of each transaction. Thus:

  1. PCI DSS Compliance

As a certified certified payment card provider of level 1 (PCI DSS), 2Checkout adheres to the highest standards of payments. Certification ensures the highest data protection level and includes strict measures such as encryption, regular security evaluation and robust access control for digital credit card payments.

While a partnership with third -party payments processor can significantly reduce the scope and complexity of PCI match DSS for traders, it does not fully control their responsibility. Providers such as 2Chekouts that adhere to strict global safety standards play a key role in simplifying compliance efforts and offering traders more peace and confidence in the protection of their participating parties.

  1. Secure payment gateway

Payment gateway transmits information about transactions to the acquisition of banks and answers from the issuing banks (for example, the WhSTHER transaction is approved or rejected). Since payment gateways process sensitive information such as credit card numbers, expiration data and codes of card verification (CVV), it is important that the payment gateway uses advanced protocols to secure this transaction data.

As a PCI compatible gateway, the 2CHKout Empconys measures, such as tokenization, encryption and secure verification to minimize the risk of fraud and data disruption, directly with PCI requirements.

  1. Safe hash algorithm

2Checkout uses best in the class of hashing safety algorithms – SHA2/SHA3. These cryptographic functions create unique and irreversible “fingerprints” of sensitive data, such as transaction details and customer information. This ensures the integrity of the data, because any unauthorized data adjustment will lead to a different hash value.

In addition, SHA2/SHA3 normally increases data confidentiality by making it difficult to restore the original hash data, with advanced computing performance.

This robust security framework contributes to the reputation of 2Checkouts as a reliable and secure payment gateway for business all sizes.

  1. Cash register secure links

2Checkout uses robust security measures to secure their links to the cash register from DDOS attacks, including those using their own domains. These measures usually include multilayer approach, Clussing DDOS to mitigate services, advanced intelligence of threats and continuous monitoring.

The aim of this comprehensive security framework is to ensure continuous availability of links to the cash register, even with a severe attack, thus protecting their business and their customers from disrupting the payment process.

  1. Advanced tools to prevent fraud

Proactive prevention of fraud is the core of the nucleus Operation 2Checkout. Using advanced tools and analysts, it monitors transaction formula platforms, denotes suspicious activity and blocks fraudulent transactions in real time.

What distinguishes a 2 -achout is his specialized fraud team. This team checks the marked orders, provides customer support for suspected fraud and helps traders to solve problems quickly. Importantly, this service is included in all packages without additional costs.

At the same time, 2Checkout also performs regular reviews of security and audits that ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging threats.

Check our fraud management solutions and find out how to ensure safe transactions and trouble -free experience with customers through advanced and adaptive solutions.

  1. Strong customer verification (SCA)

In order to comply with global regulations and increase transactions security, it uses the 2Chout 3D Secure 2.0 verification in some regions where it is necessary and dealing with traders who remain in line and reduce the risk of fraud and backward backward backward.

This method requires customers to verify their identity with the bank at the cash register and add another layer of protection against fraud. The latest version of 3D Secure (3DS2) allows card publishers to use different data points from the transaction to perform a risk-based analysis. It provides real -time, a safe and more accurate way to verify customers without requiring a static password or slowing down a business.

Strong authentication of customers is part of PSD2 in Europe and similar regulations in the UK and some APAC – Australia, India and Japan.

  1. Enabled domains for redirection after checking

To make kidnapping via inspection after checking, 2Checkout allows traders to set up allowed domains for Redirect after checking. This ensures that customers of the fragrance only on trustworthy pages and protect them from phishing and kidnapping in place.

If the domain/subdomain URL is not white, the shopper will redirect to your default Thank you page.

  1. Focus on the performance and security of the platform

In addition to transaction security, 2Checkout prefers the rability of the platform. With a guaranteed operation of 99.98%, supported processes of receipt of services in failure and global monitoring, traders can count on continuous services, while robust safety standards, even during peak operation.


Since online shopping is growing continuously and ensures that the safe cash register processes have never been more important. With robust foundations such as PCI DSS Compliance, Advanced Preventive fraudAnd secure payment gates, 2Checky excels as a trusted partner for traders to protect their business and customers. By actively dealing with threats and maintaining high performance, 2Chout seizes traders to focus on growth while providing peace of mind to their customers.

Are you ready to increase the security of the truck? Cooperate with 2Checkout today Secure your transactions and create a safe future for your business.

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